Meditation experiences
More stories from Sri Chinmoy's students.

The day I made a useless and ridiculous weightlifting machine for Guru
Devashishu Torpy London, United Kingdom
Meeting Sri Chinmoy for the first time
Janaka Spence Edinburgh, United Kingdom
In the middle of an ocean of love
Bhadra Kleinman New York
The spiritual life is normal to me
Shankara Smith London, United Kingdom
Spiritual Friends
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
The oneness of all paths - personal experiences
Nirbhasa Magee Dublin, Ireland
Check your Front Tire
Arpan De Angelo New York, United States
If I can smile like that, it's worth becoming a disciple
Mahatapa Palit New York, United States
Why run 3100 miles?
Smarana Puntigam Vienna, Austria
The Random Dog
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
A barrage of Candy Bullets
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
No Fear, Only the Heart’s Concern
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New ZealandSuggested videos
interviews with Sri Chinmoy's students

No prior experience needed
Samalya Schafer Berlin, Germany
My well-scheduled day
Jayasalini Abramovskikh Moscow, Russia
The value of meditation in a stressful job
Garga Chamberlain Bristol, United Kingdom
A direct line to God
Vajra Henderson New York, United States
Running for peace in the South Pacific
Nirbhasa Magee Dublin, Ireland
Things I have learnt from the spiritual life
Sanjay Rawal New York, United States